Got any cool cell phone pictures? Time to cash in--you might win $100 gift certificate from Unique Photo. Here's the contest info:
Announcing the first PHOTOWORKSHOP.COM Facebook Fan Site Photo Contest!
Assignment: "I Can't Believe I Took this with My Phone!" Upload your images here. The winning entry will receive $100 in merchandise from Unique Photo. Upload as many images as you like but they must have been taken with a cell or smart phone. Along with the winning image, a selection of the best submissions will appear on PHOTOWORKSHOP.COM and be announced in our Double Exposure newsletter. The contest is now open and will end February 15. So quit talking on your phones and start using them the way they were intended! To submit your entries:
1. Go to the Facebook Fan page and join our group if you are not already a member.
2. During the upload process, be sure you note in the 'status' or 'comment' area that your upload is intended as a cell phone entry.
3. Finally, BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO DOUBLE EXPOSURE so as not to miss the massive exposure on PHOTOWORKSHOP.COM that we'll be giving to the winning image and top submissions received.
And that's it! We'll announce the winner a few days after the contest closes and that lucky (and talented) person can start their 'shopping spree' on the Unique Photo web site.
Welcome to the world's leading blog devoted exclusively to digital photography contests. Here you'll find the best and most current photo contest news--and you'll learn how to take pictures that will win photo contests! This blog is based on my bestselling book Winning Digital Photo Contests and it will cover everything related to how you can win digital photo contests. And please, if you have a Google account, FOLLOW this blog--you never know where it might lead you. And tell your friends!